internet marketing

5 minute guide to Twitter

Twitter is a social network used by millions of people – there must be some business value in it for some of the world’s leading companies to invest so much time and effort in it. But if you’re still wondering what the fuss is all about, and how you can make it work for your business, check out my latest 5 minute guide by clicking the title above.

The Toy Story guide to using social media

Toy Story 3 broke records when it took $1 billion in the box office in 2010 – it has nostalgia, comedy, lovable characters, and suspense. But it also had a team of social media experts behind its launch which helped propel it become the most successful animated film of all time.

5 tips for better results online

What’s the best way to make money online? 10 years ago you just needed a web address where you could publish the contents of your product brochure. But anyone can get a website now in just a few minutes (Getting British Business Online has a simple template and free sign-up process) and there are thousands of new sites set up every day – you need to do more than just ‘get online’.

Keep reading to for tips on getting results form your online activity.

Are you part of the Blogging Network yet?

Having a blog can be hugely rewarding – imagine you click ‘Publish’ and within ten minutes you have comments awaiting approval, retweets, Facebook shares, you’ve been ‘Digged’, ‘Stumbled upon’ and bookmarked on Exciting times. It takes time to build this level of engagement and reputation, but there’s a Blogging Network that you can join today that can help.

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